Broughty Ferry Church Spire
PROJECT: To access church spire safely for inspection.

We used Omme 3000RBD spider boom for the inspection.

Inspection completed in one day, there were no road closures. By using the spider boom we saved the client approx 40% of the cost to nearest traditional boom. Scaffolding was not considered, due to the considerable cost and also the appearance of the church spire with scaffolding around it.
Council Property Painting
PROJECT: Council properties requiring painting, this had to be done quickly and efficiently, access was a problem in some areas and possible road closure.

A Spider tracked access platform was used for this application, at times in tenants back gardens, small alley/walk ways.

The cost of scaffolding was well out with the budget of the council, with the use of the tracked access platform, residents incurred no damage to their gardens, no roads or walk ways were closed to the public and painters were able to access each property efficently.
Forth Road Bridge Inspection
PROJECT: Inspection of concrete support pillars under the bridge, the area was on a grassy gradient.

We supplied a tracked access spider and a fully trained operator.

The inspections were carried out very successfully, a traditional cherry picker was not suitable due to the grassy banking. Scaffolding was not an option due to the considerable expense. The tracked spider platform was the only solution for this application and saved the company a staggering amount of money.